Jetzt ist bekannt geworden, dass die Band ein neues Album veröffentlicht wird. Das neue Werk wird "Dream Weapon" heißen und am 26. März erscheinen.
"Dream Weapon" Tracklist:
1. Exit Perfect Mind
2. Pyrocene
3. Dream Weapon
4. Desert Stairs
5. Alone In The Heart Of The Light
6. Ritual Circle
7. Single Black Point
8. Great Mother
Ein Video zu dem Titeltrack hat das Quartett auch veröffentlicht.
Lyrisch und konzeptionell soll "Dream Weapon" an dem Vorgänger "Board Up The House" anknüpfen.
Dazu sagt Hamilton Jordan:
“That album’s closing track, ‘Relief,’ was about how humans have become a burden to the planet, and how Earth will endure long after we’re gone. There is sadness at the end, but some relief—and beauty—too. Dream Weapon is, loosely, an album-length meditation on that theme.
Though it sounds a bit different than our previous albums, I don't think we approached Dream Weapon any differently than the others. Michael and I take years to write and trade demos, with about 80% of our ideas landing on the cutting-room floor. Once we have a rough song idea we both like, we write dozens of drafts of a song over months before we end up with a final demo.
I think one difference in our approach for this album was that we had a strong sense from the outset of what kind of vibe we wanted to create. Something more cohesive, meditative and hypnotic.”