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Frontmann und Bassist Vincent "Jake" Jones sagt:
The lyrics for 'Cycle' came to me in a desperate place. I was trying to make sense of why I still experienced these long episodes of depression, even when there didn't seem to be an obvious reason for it to come on. It's like it was always waiting to sneak up and snatch me out of the moment, and no amount of personal growth or skill mastery or artistic recognition could prevent it from taking me in it's grip.
So I thought - if I can't prevent the feeling from coming on, I can at least give myself a tangible reminder that this is normal for me. That I've made it out of low places before, and I will again. This song helps keep my feet on the ground when I'm feeling cocky highs, and it gives me some hope when I'm running low. It was a pleasure to turn that emotional blooming and wilting that we all experience from time to time into a visual aesthetic with Jaraad Nageer and Ana Manso.