Geschrieben von Donnerstag, 12 August 2021 18:41

VITRIOL kündigen Re-Release ihrer Demo EP an

VITRIOL kündigen Re-Release ihrer Demo EP an Photo Credit: VitrioL / Century Media

Death Metaller VITRIOL werden am Freitag ihre streng limitierte Demo EP "Antichrist" zunächst digital und später als Vinyl via Century Media erneut veröffentlichen.

Die EP wird morgen zunächst digital auf allen gängigen Streamingplattformen erscheinen. Ab demselben Tag kann auch das exklusive Vinyl vorbestellt werden.

Gitarrist Kyle Rasmussen über "Antichrist":

“Vitriol's first introduction to the public was in 2012 by way of a three song digital release entitled Antichrist EP. Nearly a decade later we have decided to reach back and offer our most formative material with a proper look and sound. Remixed, remastered, and featuring newly recorded vocals, our goal was to let our fans see what we were through the lens of what we are now.”


  1. The Sun Named Moon
  2.  Antichrist
  3. Death, Become Me

Stile: Melodic-Death-, Prog-, Folk-, Pagan Metal, Folk-, Alternative Rock

Bands: Coppelius, Avatar, Orphaned Land, Opeth, Carach Angren, Dimmu Borgir, Rotting Christ, Dark Tranquillity, Amorphis, Soilwork, Heilung