Die finnische symphonic Doom Band hat sich für ihre neue Single FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE Sängerin Veronica Bordacchini ins Boot geholt. Der Song "Endless November" stammt vom 2022 via Inverse Records erscheinenden neuen Album "Decade of Silence".
Sänger Otto Salonen über "Endless November":
"Endless November tells of immense loss and sorrow. The song is painted in gloomy waters, the ocean of sorrow, forests of death, and fields of pain. The heart can break from painful memories, and its own existence.
The birth of the song was the first of its kind in almost ten years. It went all the way to the mastering of the project under the name of Doom1, and it was great to hear it completely ready, as well as the whole album, of course!
Veronica’s contribution to the song was, in my opinion, a pure diamond, and it wouldn’t have become as massive without her."