Geschrieben von Montag, 28 Februar 2022 15:33

OU unterschreiben bei Inside Out Music

Foto: Frank Mao Foto: Frank Mao

Das chinesische Progressive-Metal-Quartett OU hat einen Vertrag bei Inside Out Music unterschrieben.

Damit steht dem Release des langersehnten Debütalbums "one" nichts mehr im Wege. Drummer Anthony Vanacore kommentierte:

The music from our debut album, “one” comes from the deepest parts of our souls; I'm so proud and grateful of the outcome and I hope it will find people to resonate with. I believe the record is historic in many ways as it to my knowledge is the first time a Chinese band has been signed to a western major record label. We are very honored to be signed to Inside Out music, a label which hosts many bands and artists we’ve grown up listening to and idolizing, including many bands and artists that influenced this very record. The music on the record is fresh, dynamic and sometimes surreal sounding and I believe will appease many music-lovers' search for something that is both in and outside the box, drawing you into a new world called OU.

Label Manager Thomas Waber fügte hinzu:

We are really excited about signing OU from China, as we were blown away when we heard the music for the first time. Very unique and modern, but still familiar sounding, a rare find these days!


Stile: Heavy-, Power-, Folk-, Pagan-, Symphonic-, Death-, Black Metal, Rock

Bands: Nightwish, Arch Enemy, Amorphis, Children Of Bodom, Audn, The GazettE, Evergrey, Winterstorm, Black Star Riders ...