HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY: neue Single und neues Video

Photo Credit: Anne C. Swallow

Die österreichische Post-Black-Metal-Band HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY meldet sich mit ihrer neuen Single "Mad World" zurück.

HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY haben heute ihre neue Single "Mad World" mit passendem Musikvideo veröffentlicht. Zudem kündigte das Duo an, seine beiden ersten Alben noch einmal neu aufnehmen zu wollen. Die re-recorded Versionen von "Harakiri for the Sky" und "Aokigahara" werden am 9. Dezember erscheinen.

HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY über das re-recording:

"As some of you might know, we had produced these albums ourselves and wanted to re-do both with the recent possibilities that we have. We did our best to keep their original spirit, but added a vibe that seemed more fitting to the current standards of this band. Ten years ago, we couldn't really imagine where this journey would lead us to, so redacting these first, but nevertheless very important tentative steps was something really dear to us."