Das Video wurde mit der künstlichen Intelligenz Dall-E erstellt. Sänger Nik Seren erklärt:
"Dall-E is a machine learning system that generates pictures from "prompts", or natural text. You type in a string of words and it generates an image based on its interpretation of "everything out there". So I typed in the lyrics phrase by phrase and let it generate the images, with some tweaks. I told it to do all the images in the style of "digital art" to keep consistency. But it can manage Monet or watercolor too. The AI still interprets stuff a bit too literal or a bit too suggestive so one has to tweak the words a bit. The result is quite astonishing. Really suggestive and some of the images I couldn't use since they were just too creepy... And I mean creepy... Anyway - it was a fun way to do a lyric video on a low budget. And the images are...well.. ours now... one of a kind. Can never be recreated."