Der Song, geschrieben von Dennis Lambert und Brian Potter, wurde erstmalig von der Band PEOPLE im Jahre 1970 veröffentlicht. Es folgten Coverversionen von u.a. SANTANA (1978) und THE DOOBIE BROTHERS (1989).
Hört euch ARMORED SAINTs Version des von Bassist Joey Vera produzierten, von Jay Ruston gemasterten und von Maor Applebaum gemixten Tracks hier an:
Sänger John Bush gibt zu Protokoll:
Joey came up with the idea of doing the song. We've always been huge fans of old school soul and R&B music so it was a no brainer. It's got a great groove, perfect for our rhythm section, and Jeff [Duncan]'s and Phil [Sandoval]'s guitars are screaming. Plus, the cool lyrics make it ideal for the 'SAINT style. Levi Stubbs [The Four Tops] was such a rad singer; I just tried to do him justice. I think this would make him a metal fan!