Geschrieben von Dienstag, 15 Dezember 2009 18:36

ACCEPT – Erstes Lebenszeichen der Metal-Legende aus dem Studio (Video)

ACCEPT, die deutsche Metal-Legende der 80iger Jahre, befinden sich gerade mit dem Star-Produzenten Andy Sneap (Megadeth, Exodus, Arch Enemy) im Studio.Nun ist exklusives Video-Material aus dem Studio in Cerbyshire, England auf Youtube zu sehen. In dem Clip werden Sneap und Mitglieder von ACCEPT interviewt, zudem werden auch Ausschnitte des neuen Materials vorgestellt.

Das bis jetzt noch unbetitelte Album, mit dem neuen Frontman Mark Tornillo (ex TT QUICK), wird zwischen 12 und 15 Songs beinhalten.

ACCEPT lud den Kult-Metal-Journalisten und Fan John Strednansky ins Studio ein, um ihm einen ersten Eindruck der neuen Songs zu geben.

Eigentlich hätten diese Aufnahmen noch geheim bleiben sollen. John Strednansky konnte sich aber nicht zurückhalten: "I had to promise to keep this to myself as the band wanted to keep the sessions top secret, but I cannot control myself! This new stuff is mind-blowing!"

Ebenfalls sagte er: "I got to hear 15 new tracks and one was better than the next! Holy smoke!!! ACCEPT is reborn and better than ever!
We all know that they have been writing songs with Mark but that they'd be able to recapture the metal spirit of the Eighties this perfectly... well, that blew me away! No way has it been 13 years since the last record.... The songs are heavy, melodic and have a killer groove, Wolf's [Hoffmann] guitar playing smokes all over the place. There are fast songs, and then there are those epic numbers! The music is stunning and will surprise everyone! Mark is singing from his heart and soul and sounds brilliant; he truly amazed me.... And you get the ingenious Andy Sneap producing this thing! Very cool indeed... I can't wait for 2010 and for this masterpiece to come out! BRILLIANT."

Tornillo dazu: "I am not going to try to fill Udo Dirkschneider's shoes. I am different. What I will do is be true to myself. However, when we play the old stuff, I will try to also be true to the originals. The fans deserve that. They want to hear ACCEPT so I will do the best to make it sound like ACCEPT, be it on this new album or on stage."

Tornillos Beteiligung kommentierte Hoffmann wie folgt: "It all happened in minutes. Peter and I were working on some tunes in a studio in New Jersey. Somebody suggested we give this guy Mark a call to see if he would join us on vocals. So when he arrived we started jamming on some old ACCEPT tunes — just for fun. As soon as Mark started singing we looked at each other and realized the impossible just happened: we found a new voice for ACCEPT! The timing could not have been better! Now or never... We are re-energized and excited..."

Mehr zu ACCEPT:

Als Kind der 90er liebe ich Grunge und Alternative Rock – meine bevorzugten Genres sind aber Death, Groove, Dark und Thrash Metal. Ich kann Musik und Künstler schwer voneinander trennen und halte Szene-Polizisten für das Letzte, was Musik braucht. Cool, dass Du vorbeischaust!