Geschrieben von Sonntag, 28 Februar 2010 10:44

THE FALL OF TROY geben Auflösung bekannt

Washingtons Progressive Trio THE FALL OF TROY haben ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. In einem Statement auf der Webseite der Band schrieb Sänger und Gitarrist Thomas Erak: "Andrew [Forsman, drums], Frank [Ene, bass] and I have decided to end our career as the Fall Of Troy." Laut Erak gab es aber keinerlei Auseinandersetzungen in der Band, der Beschluss rühre daher, dass sich die 3 in verschiedene Richtungen entwickelt haben.

THE FALL OF TROY haben bis heute 4 Alben veröffentlicht, angefangen mit dem self-titled Album 2003. Ihr letztes Werk In The Unlikely Event kam im Oktober über Equal Vision raus. Die kommende US-Tour wird somit zur Abschiedstournee der Band. Erak verspricht allerdings, dass die Trennung nicht das Ende seiner musikalischen Karriere bedeutet: ""I have no intention to stop making music! Quite the opposite actually. But until then, see you at the shows!"

Anbei nochmal das komplette Statement:

"Dearest friends from all corners of the world, I write to inform you that after nearly 9 years, 5 full-lengths, 2 bass players, hundreds of shows, and numerous other achievements and follies, Andrew, Frank, and I have decided to end our career as The Fall of Troy.

This band has been my life, my love, the air I breathe, the food I eat, and what helps me sleep (and sometimes keeps me up) at night. I love and cherish the music we’ve made, the times we’ve had, and all the great friends we’ve met along the way. Andrew, Frank, and of course Tim, will always and forever have a special place in my heart. But it has come time for us to call it a day. After everything’s said and done, there is no drama, there is no blow out, it’s simply the three members of this band are on three different paths in our lives.

I always hold true to the fact that it’s better to go out in style, to ride off into the sunset, than go down in flames. This tour coming up with Envy On The Coast and Twin Atlantic will be our last go round, and we really hope that all of you will come out and celebrate what has been so unreal and unbelievable – let’s dance one last time!

We would really like to thank everyone that’s ever been involved with the band, managed the band, booked a show for us, let us eat your canned food, sleep on your floor, asked us for a picture, caught me when I’ve almost been dropped, put out a record for us, driven us through a late night drive thru, or anything else any of you could possibly look back on and enjoy what this band was…Fun.

So make sure you come out to “The Marked-Men of 2010 Tour” as it will be our last hurrah! We love you, and will be giving as much love as you’ve given to us at these shows. So that’s that! We love you with all our hearts, thank you from the very bottom of them, and goodbye comrades.


With A Heavy Heart,
Thomas Joseph Erak

PS. I have no intention to stop making music! Quite the opposite actually – but until then see you at the shows!"